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Showing posts from January, 2014

calculate mathematical operation in javascript by html id

You can easily calculate any mathematical expression in JavaScript using the senerio. // get element by id value for calculation var NoOfDays = parseFloat(NoOfDays); var MnyGrossSalary = parseFloat(MnyGrossSalary); var ServiceBenefitDay = parseFloat(ServiceBenefitDay); var EarnLeaveDepositedToCompany = parseFloat(EarnLeaveDepositedToCompany); // Calculate your mathematical Expression var totalBenefitDayAmount = ServiceBenefitDay * (MnyGrossSalary / NoOfDays); var totalEarnLeaveAmount = EarnLeaveDepositedToCompany * (MnyGrossSalary / NoOfDays); // Set value of your mathematical expression in your desire html control by id document.getElementById('ServiceBenifitPayment_TotalBenefitDayAmount').value = parseFloat(totalBenefitDayAmount, 10).toFixed(2); document.getElementById('ServiceBenifitPayment_TotalEarnLeaveAmount').value = parseFloat(totalEarnLeaveAmount, 10).toFixed(2);

how to get html control id from mvc

Let just think that i am using my control with model binding. now i want to get the control id without assign id. how to do that..? @Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.ServiceBenifitPayment.ServiceBenefitNoOfDays)  its simple just use firebug of Firefox. click on firebug then click now select your control you will see control id. Now use this control in script like set value document.getElementById('ServiceBenifitPayment_ServiceBenefitNoOfDays').value = ServiceBenefitDay;

mvc pass value in controller from script

Consider the following example i am firing the script with a list value using for loop table data. <a href='#' class="gridEdit" onclick="javascript:return DeleteServiceOut('@Model.EmployeeInformationList[i].GEmployeeGenInfoID.ToString()');"></a> the function to pass values to controller from Javascript code in MVC <script> function DeleteServiceOut(GEmployeeId) { window.location = "/PMS/Payroll/ServiceOutAdd/ServiceOutDelete/" + GEmployeeId; return false; } </script> in to the controller public ActionResult ServiceOutDelete(string id, ServiceOutModels model) { // id will contailn the value of parameter // AS you want return View("ServiceOutViewDetails", model); }

mvc razor show hide any id based on dropdown

Drop Down @Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.AttendenceBonus.BonusIn, new SelectList(Model.BonusInList, "Value", "Text", Model.AttendenceBonus.BonusIn), new { @class = "selectBoxRegular", onchange = "return GetBonusType(this);"}) Script <script> function GetBonusType(ctrl) { var x = $("#AttendenceBonus_BonusIn").val(); // hide any control by id if (x == "Fixed") { $('#persent').text(""); $('#Applylevel').show(); $('#AttendenceBonus_BonusApplyOn').show(); } // Show any control by id else { $('#persent').text("%"); $('#Applylevel').hide(); $('#AttendenceBonus_BonusApplyOn').hide(); } } </script>

Get the difference between two dates in years,months and days as a string from a SQL Server

Just use the function pass 2 date parameter & get your expected Year/Month/Day SELECT  [dbo].[fnGetDateDiffAsYMD] ('01/01/2012','02/02/2014')as Duration   set ANSI_NULLS ON set QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON go --SELECT [dbo].[fnGetDateDiffAsYMD] ('01/01/2012','02/02/2013') ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[fnGetDateDiffAsYMD] (@FromDate AS DateTime,@ToDate AS DATETIME) RETURNS VARCHAR(30) AS BEGIN DECLARE @date datetime, @tmpdate datetime, @years int, @months int, @days int, @exp varchar(30), @mm int, @experiance datetime if (datediff(dd,@FromDate ,@ToDate)< 0) or (@FromDate='') or (@ToDate is null) select @exp ='Invalid joining date' else begin select @experiance=Dateadd(yy,Datediff(yy,@FromDate,@ToDate),@fromDate) select @years=Datediff(yy,@FromDate,@ToDate) -...