Crete a new project: Add a aspx Master Page Create a new folder Reports and 2 sub folder crystal & crystalviewer Now add a web form page in crystalviewer folder. Add the master page namespace in your web form page. MasterPageFile ="~/Views/Shared/ReportSite.Master" Replace your web form by this code < asp : Content ID ="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID ="ContentPlaceHolder1" runat ="server"> </ asp : Content > Now go to design mode of your web form drag & drop the crystal report viewer in your web form. After that your page will be look look like this. Replace the code: < CR : CrystalReportViewer ID ="EmployeeList" runat ="server" HasCrystalLogo ="False" AutoDataBind ="True" Height ="50px" EnableParameterPrompt ="false" EnableDatabaseLogonPrompt ...
Work smarter, not harder.