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Showing posts from January, 2017

WPF Devexpress Datagrid checkbox binding

We can easily bind the checkbox on devexpress datagrid <dxgcore:GridColumn Width="20" AllowEditing="True" Binding="{Binding Path=IsChecked, Mode=TwoWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" Header="R" Visible="{Binding CheckboxSelection}" VisibleIndex="6"> <dxgcore:GridColumn.CellTemplate> <DataTemplate> <dxe:CheckEdit HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" Command="{Binding Path=View.DataContext.IsCheckedCommand}" CommandParameter="{Binding RowData.Row}" IsChecked="{Binding RowData.Row.IsChecked, Mode=TwoWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" ...

Visual Studio copy dll from project folder to bin folder on build solution

If we want to copy from project folder DLL (3rd party or other type)  to Bin folder during build the solution we can easily map that option. right click on you solution -> Properties -> Buld Events and follow the format for your folder C:\Windows\System32\xcopy /d /y "$(ProjectDir)PackagedDLL\FAX\*.*" "$(TargetDir)" In my case FAX is my folder name.

T-SQL update table from join table value

If you want to update your table from join table value you can try with this: UPDATE r SET r.l_auto_refill = 1 ,r.d_start_date = p.dDispDate ,r.n_frequency = p.nDispDaysSupply ,r.d_next_fill = DATEADD(DAY, p.ndispdayssupply, p.ddispdate) FROM rx r INNER join profile AS p ON r.[rxno_PK] = p.rxno_FK where r.rxno_PK = '000010578126'

T-SQL get one records from multiple same record based on max value for join

Let's say you have same type 6 record, into this record when you will picked data you will pick only one record which has highest value. SELECT * FROM rx r INNER join (SELECT distinct t1.* FROM profile t1 LEFT OUTER JOIN profile t2 ON (t1.rxno_FK = t2.rxno_FK AND t1.nrefillno < t2.nrefillno ) WHERE t2.dispid_PK IS NULL) AS p ON r.[rxno_PK] = p.rxno_FK

sql get all table names with primary key columns

If you want to get all table name with table primary key coloumn you can use the sql query. SELECT AS IndexName, OBJECT_NAME(ic.OBJECT_ID) AS TableName, COL_NAME(ic.OBJECT_ID,ic.column_id) AS ColumnName FROM sys.indexes AS i INNER JOIN sys.index_columns AS ic ON i.OBJECT_ID = ic.OBJECT_ID AND i.index_id = ic.index_id WHERE i.is_primary_key = 1