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Showing posts from 2022

D365 power automate flow call from ribbon button

  To achieve this, two extra managed solutions are imported into the environment: Ribbon Workbench: Develop1 SmartButtons: Create  a new flow { "type": "object", "properties": { "id": { "type": "string" } } } { "type": "object", "properties": { "entityname": { "type": "string" } } } Save the flow and copy the URL Open Ribbon Workbench select your solution. Drag and drop the smart button. You can change button text and image into property. Note that for Production and Dev environment flow HTTP host URL can be change. Xrm.Navigation.openAlertDialog({text:"Success message."})...

D365 automate flow common formatting

  // Formate Date formatDateTime(items('Apply_to_each_Employee_and_Manager')?['std_contract_end'], 'dd.MM.yyyy') // Get Optionset value Triggeroutputs()?['body/_yourfieldname_label'] //Check Null if(not(equals(items('Apply_to_each_Employee_and_Manager')?['std_probation_until'], null )),formatDateTime(items('Apply_to_each_Employee_and_Manager')?['std_probation_until'], 'dd.MM.yyyy'), null )

FetchXML query order by

 If we want to get the latest created record from an entity we can get it using the FetchXML query order. <fetch top="50"> <entity name="systemuser"> <order attribute="createdon" descending="true" /> </entity> </fetch>

Resource not found for the segment

  Using D365 Flow if you want to insert or update a record then you may get this error. This error was raised because in your entity this is a lookup field and you need to set the value with the lookup entity plural name. Like

D365 portal KB article details customize comment section.

The comment is a set of Microsoft control. If you want to make it customized like width height or change post comment button content you can use CSS and javascript. Goto localized content and in Advance add your javascript or CSS file.

D365 portal payone payment integration

 Recently i implement PAYONE payment using C# I also work with other payment gateway like stripe. During develop this PAYONE solution for portal i realize myself this is no 1 according to their security. PAYONE is a very complex system but i like their sytem. PAYONE works like this steps: 1. Create link Request 2. Notify URL 3. Transaction status 4. Payment cancel request. soon i will try to share some code.  

D365 Add search criteria field into lookup field.

 If you want to add a search field into the lookup view you will not able to add the add option.  In this case, you need to add the field into Quick Find View it will take the impact of another view For my case, I was using Product Lookup view into lookup view