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WPF Crystal Report Viewer Using SAP

There is no doubt that we fall a great problem that the VS2010 is not intregated crystal report. Initially it seems to be a big problem. Hare is some step for SAP crystal report that we can use in our WPF application.

1.Download  Crystal report from this Link:

2. Remove Crystal report if any exist.

3. Close your VS-2010 and install the new downloaded CRforVS_13_0 .

4. Take a new WPF project

5. Right click on the project click on Properties

6. Change the target framework .NET Framework 4 Client Profile to  .NET Framework 4.

7. Click on main window then click on Toolbox.  Right Click on the General Tab then click on Choose Item.

8. It will appear this window click on WPF Component.

9.  Select CrystalReportsViewer  click on ok  Button.

10. Now you will see the report viewer control.

11. Your Crystal Report Environment is ready. Now we will add Crystal report. Maximum time we use dataset for report source But I Strongly recommend to use your Class as report data source.

12.  Right click on the solution add a new window name ReportViewerUI.

Drag & drop the CrystalReportsViewer Control from Toolbox in ReportViewerUI.  Wait till the window look like

13. Modify the XAML like :
 <Window x:Class="WPFReportTest.ReportViewerUI"  
     Title="ReportViewerUI" Height="399" Width="724" xmlns:my="clr-namespace:SAPBusinessObjects.WPF.Viewer;assembly=SAPBusinessObjects.WPF.Viewer">  
     <my:CrystalReportsViewer Margin="63,38,0,0" Name="crystalReportsViewer" VerticalAlignment="Top" ShowLogo="False" HorizontalAlignment="Center"  
                  ShowToggleSidePanelButton="True" ShowToolbar="True" ShowOpenFileButton="False" />  

and CS code:
 using System.Windows;  
 using System.Windows.Controls.Primitives;  
 namespace WPFReportTest  
   public partial class ReportViewerUI : Window  
     public ReportViewerUI()  
       var sidepanel = crystalReportsViewer.FindName("btnToggleSidePanel") as ToggleButton;  
       if (sidepanel != null)  
         crystalReportsViewer.ViewChange += (x, y) => sidepanel.IsChecked = false;  
     public void setReportSource(CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument aReport)  
       this.crystalReportsViewer.ViewerCore.ReportSource = aReport;  

14.You will get Error like this.

Right click on the project references add reference then add the 3 dll
Name: CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Design
Now Build the Solution it will be Success.

15. Add a Report utility Class Name ReportUtility
  and modify the class with this method. 
 public static void Display_report(ReportClass rc, object objDataSource, Window parentWindow)  
               Viewer = new ReportViewerUI();  
       catch (Exception ex)  
         throw ex;  

16. Now we are want to show a table data in report. Let’s create a database ReportTestDB

Add a New table Like

Select Id as Primary Key and auto Increment. Give the name of the Table EMPLOYEE_INFO.

17. Now Insert some data

18. Right Click on the solution, Add new Item select LINQ to SQL DBML File name it ReportTestDataContext.dbml

19. It will appear this window  click on

Select your server name and database name

20. Expand the database select the table and drag and drop it to the DBML File.

Now Save it and close the window.
21. Add a New EEmployee Class which contain the following:

 public class EEmployee  
     public int Id { get; set; }  
     public string Name { get; set; }  
     public int Age { get; set; }  
     public string Address { get; set; }  

Also add 2 another class BEmployee and EmployeeDAL
 public class BEmployee  
     private EmployeeDAL employeeDALObj = new EmployeeDAL();  
     public List<EEmployee> GetAllEmployeeInfo()  
       return employeeDALObj.GetAllEmployeeInfo();  
 public class EmployeeDAL  
     private ReportTestDataContextDataContext reportDataContextObj = new ReportTestDataContextDataContext();  
     internal List<EEmployee> GetAllEmployeeInfo()  
       List<EEmployee> employees = new List<EEmployee>();  
       foreach (var info in reportDataContextObj.EMPLOYEE_INFOs)  
         EEmployee eEmployeeObj = new EEmployee();  
         eEmployeeObj.Id = info.Id;  
         eEmployeeObj.Name = info.Name;  
         eEmployeeObj.Age = (int) info.Age;  
         eEmployeeObj.Address = info.Address;  
       return employees;  

22. Right Click on the solution add a Crystal Report name EmployeeInfoCrystalReport

Select as a Blank report

Right click on the DataBase Field and click Database Expert

Expand  the .NET object and select EEmployee and click ok button.

Now Expand the Database field Drag and drop the attribute and design your crystal report.

After Completing your design Save all and close window.
23. Now In main window Take a Button Control  Name Show Employee Info . On the click event write down the code.

 List<EEmployee> employeeInfoList = bEmployeeObj.GetAllEmployeeInfo();  
       if (employeeInfoList.Count > 0)  
         EmployeeInfoCrystalReport employeeInfoCrystalReport = new EmployeeInfoCrystalReport();  
         ReportUtility.Display_report(employeeInfoCrystalReport, employeeInfoList, this);  
         MessageBox.Show("Don't have any records.", "Employee Info", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information);  

25. Now Build the solution Run it Click on show Employee you Will get The following Error

To remove the error you have to add  this line of code in app.config file

 <startup useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy="true">  
       <supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.0"/>  

26. Now Build the solution Run it and you will get Your Desire report.

Download Crystal Report Source Code
Feel free for any comment.
thank you.


  1. I can't download the source code.

    I have developed the report in wpf with step by step but Group Tree will display on the screen.

    If any suggestion please let me know.


  2. I can`t download, url is break.

  3. Source code download is not working, please reupload in mediafire

  4. Please download from this link:

  5. Download the Latest Source Code

  6. Very very thanks brother for your tutorial. No better tutorial exists in the internet than this. But i need some further help brother. I want to make a customer receipt using crystal report and wpf and also want to search by date on a crystal report. I need your help. Thanks in advance.

  7. You are most welcome. On date range search query set 2 date picker on your UI & made the list parametrize which is used for the report source.

  8. i have do what you have done completely same but i got an exception on reportutility class.
    Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

    please help

  9. Hi Aimanzaki,

    Check the method "Display_report".

  10. Thanks for your help suggestion brother but as i am a newcomer i am not understanding, if you make another wpf tutorial on parameter based reporting, i mean extending your current tutorial to parameter based such as year by search and employee search that would be very helpful for us. Thanks once again brother for replying.


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