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LINQ to SQL connectionstring pickup from multiple DBML

In Your application if you have more than one DBML file then each DBML file will contain app.config for each DBML file. consider the WPF application

it will be not possible for you to change the client app.config connection string on deployment.
when your application will be ready for deployment take a copy of your solution from your source control. bcoz now you are going to perform many change on your app.config.

1. if you have more than one project then you have change the all project output type as a class library except the start up project.
   right click on the project > properties > change the output as class library

2. Click on setting > right click on the connection string click remove string. if you have more than one then remove all as same.

3. if you have app.xaml . right click and exclude it from project.

4. open your DBML file > right click > properties > expand the connection > select application string as false.

5. Open the DBML cs file on the

change it with 

 public dbDataContext() : base(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MyConnString"].ConnectionString, mappingSource)
and it will be look like and you will also get a error

6. To remove the error you have to add System.Configuration dll in your project.

 7. You have to remove or hide the connection string of this project

Now build the project if you have more than one projectdo it for all project.

9. In you start up project the app.config will be

 If you have any query please comment.
thank you


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