If we want to get a table autogenerate column id, without auto increment column. we can do it easily.
we can also made it globally for all table. We can create a table name paramaterize store procedure that
will give us table last column ID without using auto increment column.
declar the store procedure in C#
Now call from anywhere with your any table name. it will return last id of your table. here locationID is optional.
we can also made it globally for all table. We can create a table name paramaterize store procedure that
will give us table last column ID without using auto increment column.
@tableName [varchar](100),
@locationId [int]
declare @newID varchar(20)
declare @dbID varchar(20)
declare @generateID bigint
declare @ReturnValue varchar(100)
if exists(select * from DB_TablePKID where LocationID=@locationId and TableName=@tableName)
--table name exists
set @ReturnValue= (select MaxID+1 from DB_TablePKID where LocationID=@locationId and TableName=@tableName)
else --table name is not exists.
-- generate new first ID for the supplied table
select @dbID= DBid from DB where DBLocationID=@locationId
set @newID=@dbID+'00000000000001'
set @generateID=convert(bigint,@newID)
set @ReturnValue=@generateID
select @ReturnValue
declar the store procedure in C#
public long GetTablekeyID(string tableName, int locationId)
long id = 0;
// id = _db.spSET_GetDB_TablePKID(tableName, locationId);
System.Data.Objects.ObjectResult<string> sid = this.DataContext.spSET_GetDB_TablePKID(tableName, locationId);
foreach (string aa in sid)
id = long.Parse(aa.ToString());
return id;
Now call from anywhere with your any table name. it will return last id of your table. here locationID is optional.
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