Consider the senerio of the image that i want to select date from table row date and my selected date will check other 2 date between in javascript.
First i am getting the event of date change:
<td class="rptrowdata" align="center" style="width: 65px">
if (Model.EmployeeInformationList[i].OutGoingDate == DateTime.MinValue || Model.EmployeeInformationList[i].OutGoingDate == null)
@Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.EmployeeInformationList[i].strOutGoingDate, new { @class = "textRegular dtPicker pmtallocated pull-right", @readOnly = "readOnly", maxlength = "10",@dir = "rtl",@onchange = "return DateChecker(this);" })
<input type="hidden" value="@Model.EmployeeInformationList[i].OutGoingDate " name="EmployeeInformationList[@i].OutGoingDate" id="EmployeeInformationList_@i __OutGoingDate" />
now implement the DateChecker() in script
function DateChecker(ctrl) {
// getting table row
var row = $(ctrl).parent().parent().parent().children().index($(ctrl).parent().parent());
var strOutGoingDate = $("#EmployeeInformationList_" + row + "__strOutGoingDate").val();
// You can set your value as your self of between date
var strFromDate = $("#strFromDate").val();
var strToDate = $("#strToDate").val();
var outGoingSplitResult = strOutGoingDate.split("-");
var outGoingYear = outGoingSplitResult[2].toString();
var outGoingMonth = outGoingSplitResult[1].toString();
var outGoingDay = outGoingSplitResult[0].toString();
var outGoingDate = new Date(outGoingYear + " " + outGoingMonth + " " + outGoingDay + " " + ",00:00:10");
var startSplitResult = strFromDate.split("/");
var startYear = startSplitResult[2].toString();
var startMonth = startSplitResult[0].toString();
var startDay = startSplitResult[1].toString();
var startDate = new Date(startYear + " " + startMonth + " " + startDay + " " + ",00:00:10");
var endSplitResult = strToDate.split("/");
var endYear = endSplitResult[2].toString();
var endMonth = endSplitResult[0].toString();
var endDay = endSplitResult[1].toString();
var endDate = new Date(endYear + " " + endMonth + " " + endDay + " " + ",00:00:10");
// Your Mathematical Expression
if (outGoingDate >= startDate && outGoingDate <= endDate) {
return true
else {
alert('Please select date between ' + startDate + ' and ' + endDate);
$("#EmployeeInformationList_" + row + "__strOutGoingDate").val("")
return false;
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