If you want to row count hourly based on date range like this:
You can try with this SQL:
You can try with this SQL:
;with mycte as (Select case when datepart(hour, tprocesstime) between 0 and 8 then 0
when datepart(hour, tprocesstime) >= 21 then 21
else datepart(hour, tprocesstime) end as OnHour
, * From profile)
Select Case OnHour when 0 then '0AM-9AM'
when 9 then '9AM-10AM'
when 10 then '10AM-11AM'
when 11 then '11AM-12PM'
when 12 then '12PM-1PM'
when 13 then '1PM-2PM'
when 14 then '2PM-3PM'
when 15 then '3PM-4PM'
when 16 then '4PM-5PM'
when 17 then '5PM-6PM'
when 18 then '6PM-7PM'
when 19 then '7PM-8PM'
when 20 then '8PM-9PM'
when 21 then 'Above 9PM' end OnHourRange,
SUM(CASE WHEN left(datename(dw, tprocesstime), 3)='Sun' THEN 1 else 0 end ) as [Sun]
,SUM(CASE WHEN left(datename(dw, tprocesstime), 3)='Mon' THEN 1 else 0 end ) as [Mon]
,SUM(CASE WHEN left(datename(dw, tprocesstime), 3)='Tue' THEN 1 else 0 end ) as [Tue]
,SUM(CASE WHEN left(datename(dw, tprocesstime), 3)='Wed' THEN 1 else 0 end ) as [Wed]
,SUM(CASE WHEN left(datename(dw, tprocesstime), 3)='Thu' THEN 1 else 0 end ) as [Thu]
,SUM(CASE WHEN left(datename(dw, tprocesstime), 3)='Fri' THEN 1 else 0 end ) as [Fri]
,SUM(CASE WHEN left(datename(dw, tprocesstime), 3)='Sat' THEN 1 else 0 end ) as [Sat]
FROM mycte
Group by OnHour
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