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D365 Calculate unitwise product quantity into Opportunity field using javascript


 function CalculateOpportunityProductQuantity(executionContext) {  
      var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();  
      var opportunityRecordId =, -1);  
      var globalContext = Xrm.Utility.getGlobalContext();  
       // Retrive unitwise product quantity data  
   var fetchXml = "<fetch mapping='logical' >" +  
       "<entity name= 'opportunity' >"+  
           "<link-entity name='opportunityproduct' from='opportunityid' to='opportunityid' alias='opportunityprod' >"+  
           "<attribute name='quantity' />"+  
                "<condition attribute='opportunityid' operator= 'eq' value='" + opportunityRecordId + "' uiname='Will be ordering' uitype='opportunity' />"+  
            "<link-entity name='uom' from='uomid' to='uomid' alias='unitdata' >"+  
                "<attribute name='name' />"+                 
                "<attribute name='uomid' />"+  
                "<order attribute='name' />"+  
      fetchXml = "?fetchXml=" + encodeURIComponent(fetchXml);  
           Xrm.WebApi.retrieveMultipleRecords("opportunity", fetchXml).then(  
                     function success(response) {  
                          // Odata response value set into a json array  
                          unitwisequantitys = [];  
                           for (var i = 0; i < response.entities.length; i++) {                                            
                               unititem = {}  
                               unititem ["unitname"] = response.entities[i][""];  
                               unititem ["quantity"] = response.entities[i]["opportunityprod.quantity"];  
                          // Quantity sum Group by Unitname                            
                          var helper = {};  
                          var groupbyunit = unitwisequantitys.reduce(function(r, o) {  
                           var key = o.unitname;  
                           if(!helper[key]) {  
                               helper[key] = Object.assign({}, o); // create a copy of o  
                           } else {  
                               helper[key].quantity += o.quantity;                            
                           return r;  
                          }, []);  
                          // Get specific unit name quantity   
                          let maunitquantity = groupbyunit.find(o => o.unitname === 'MA');  
                          let qaunitquantity = groupbyunit.find(o => o.unitname === 'qm');  
                          // Set the quantity value   
                     function (error) {  


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