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d365 portal fetchxml query as a json service

 In D365 portal sometimes we need to write a complex query which is not covered by List as OData Feed. If you use D365 Form Liquid fetchxml query is also not supported. You can write any fetch xml query as JSON data service into the portal.

1. Create Web Template

Into your web template, you need to write your fetchxml query

 {% assign std_discountid = request.params['id'] %}  
 {% fetchxml discountAccount %}  
 <fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" distinct="false">  
  <entity name="std_std_discount_account_membership" >  
   <attribute name="accountid" />  
   <attribute name="std_discountid" />  
    <condition attribute="std_discountid" operator="eq" value="{{std_discountid}}" />  
 {% endfetchxml %}  
 { "accountdiscounts" :   
 [{% for item in discountAccount.results.entities %}{"std_discountid":"{{ item.std_discountid }}","accountid":"{{ item.accountid }}"}  
 {% unless forloop.last %},{% endunless %}  
 {% endfor %}]  

2. Create a Web page for this Web template so that we can access the Web Template with Partial URL

3. Give your fetchxml query table permission. 

(If your fetchxml query require N:N relation table you can check how to give permission for N:N relational table d365 portal many to many relationship table permissions )

Call the web template as JSON service.

     // //Get student Membership Discount 2 all Account  
     var dataUrI = ""+encodeURIComponent(studentDiscountListId[1].proevt_discountid);  
       contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',  
       datatype: 'json',  
       url: dataUrI,  
       beforeSend: function(XMLHttpRequest){  
         XMLHttpRequest.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/json');  
       async: false,  
       success: function(data, textStatus, xhr){  
         for (var i = 0; i < data.accountdiscounts.length; i++)   
       error: function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown ){  
         alert(textStatus+ ''+errorThrown);  

If the table permission is set global, you can also check your get request using postman.


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