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Click Once Deployment In IIS and Client PC

Deployment In IIS 

Copy Files

-          Copy Vssport application publish files into desired directory on storage disk [of server]. C:\inetpub\wwwroot\vssport.

1.       Right click on vssport folder, select properties.

2.       Go to Security tab, click Edit.

3.       Select IIS_IUSRS user from list, if IIS_IUSRS user is not listed then add IIS_IUSRS by clicking “Add” button and following subsequent steps.

4.       When IIS_IUSRS user is selected, check “Full Control” checkbox from permission list.
5.       Click “OK” to close permission window and then properties window.

Configure IIS Application

1.       Open IIS Manager, Right click on “Sites” node and select “Add Website”.

2.       Set site name vssport port [90] (you can also change it) and select “C:\inetpub\wwwroot\vssport” as physical path for content directory. Click “OK” to complete the process and close window.

3.       Click “Application Pool” node, Select “vssport” and right click, select “Basic Settings”. Edit Application Pool window will appear.

From Edit Application Pool window, select .NET 4.0 if not already selected. Click OK to close

4.       Select the vssport application -> click feature view -> click Dictionary browsing.

5.       Right click on Directory Browsing and select enable

6.       Right click on server node (top most node) and select “Stop”, then “Start” to restart IIS server.

7.       Test server

9.       Click on vssport.htm

10.   Click on install to deploy.

Deploy in client PC

Open Firefox or Chrome web browser, type  (This IP address will provide during publish the application) and hit enter key.

1. Click on install button
2. Save the installation file


3. Run the setup file


4. Click Accept to install the .NET framework 4.5.1


6.       Wait for a moment to complete the installation


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