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if you are using kendo UI web for MVC and you are getting the error when you are click on create new.

just hide/remove the code from create & Edit razor view of your controller

 @section Scripts {  

*Now This problem is resolve in VS 2013


  1. After having read heaps of other blogs an tried a many suggestions without any luck, finally I stumble upon your blog. Tried your suggestion, and everything simply works....!
    Two things remaining:
    1. a big hand for you for this excellent suggestion!
    2. What will be the penalty? Or: why was this code there in the first place?

  2. Thank you Peter Klein.
    Till Now i have no problem.
    Hope their is no penalty option.
    if you have any let me know.

  3. I already reached this conclusion, no one "as far I find" told me:

    1) what this "~/bundles/jqueryval" do
    2) why its so needed
    3) why its implemented in every CREATE & EDIT page
    4) what could happen if I remove it

    So I reached my own conclusion, I just need confirmation.

    "~/bundles/jqueryval" Avoid the multiple requests from a single user in short periods of time.

    How its work?

    I assume that the application assign some kind of validation's code so its only send 1 request, regardless of how many times the request has been asked, and that validation's code just change after the request were sent.

    what could happen if this code is removed?

    Maybe in short scales nothing could happen, but with massive amount of users accessing 1 server at the same time, clicking multiple times a link that doesn't respond at the speed that they expect that its should work (just like some people do), could cause that the server's accessibility drop the user's access (all of them) and crash the server to save-self all its can (just like when your power supply shut down when it overheated).


    None. This is just an assumption based on what I have read around the web, I need confirmation. All I know is that if this code is here, then its should have (or had) an useful use, which one is? I don't know, but ignore it is not a solution

    By the way, I never delete, I corned it as Comment, until be 100% sure that its unuseful

  4. Thank you for your wonderful feedback.

    The Microsoft.Web.Optimization package is now obsolete.

    If Anyone want to manage it then he/she may can get direction from

    But i think it's better to hide the error code.

    Thank you.

  5. I removed the code and the error disappeared, but validation (date annotation) client side crashed.


  6. currently i have done 3 application using kendo ui web. i didn't get any error on client side.

    Just removing the code
    "validation (date annotation) client side crashed."
    it will clear to me if you please share your code.

    on the other side

    The Microsoft.Web.Optimization package is now obsolete.


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