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Post Kendo Grid data with model data to Controller in MVC

Your save button:

 <button type="submit" class="btn btn-mini btn-primary" id="btnAddCustomerAccountManage" name="btnAddCustomerAccountManage" onclick="SaveUserProjectDetails()">  
           <i class="icon-save bigger-125"></i>Save</button>  

button click function

  function SaveUserProjectDetails()  
     var projectPermissionType = 1;  
     var postUrl;  
     var paramValue;  
     if (projectPermissionType == 1) {  
       var gridData = $("#CustomerInfoKendoGrid").data("kendoGrid");  
       // set model data  
       for (var i = 0; i < gridData.length; i++) {  
         gridData[i].ManagerGenInfoID = $("#GEmployeeGenInfoID").val();  
         gridData[i].AssignDate = $("#AssignDate").val();  
       postUrl = '@Url.Content("~/Billing/CustomerAccountManage/GetDepartmentWiseCategoryList")';  
       paramValue = JSON.stringify({ CustomerInformationList: gridData });// you can also set model data using','  
       url: postUrl,  
       type: 'POST',  
       dataType: 'json',  
       data: paramValue,  
       contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',  
       success: function (result) {  
       error: function (objAjaxRequest, strError) {  
         var respText = objAjaxRequest.responseText;  


   public JsonResult GetDepartmentWiseCategoryList(CustomerAccountManageViewModel CustomerAccountManagemodel)  
         var strMessage = string.Empty;  
         // Get grid value  
         foreach (var item in CustomerAccountManagemodel.CustomerInformationList.Where(m => m.SelectStatus == true))  
           CustomerAccountManageViewModel viewModel = new CustomerAccountManageViewModel();  
           viewModel.CustomerInformationList = new List<CustomerEntryViewModel>();  
           viewModel.EmployeeList = new List<EmployeeViewModel>();  
           var userName = HttpContext.User.Identity.Name;  
           viewModel.IUser = userName;  
           viewModel.IDate = DateTime.Now;  
           viewModel.EDate = DateTime.Now;  
           viewModel.CustomerAccountManageID = Guid.NewGuid();  
           viewModel.CustomerID= item.CustomerID;  
           viewModel.ActiveStatus = true;  
           var entity = viewModel.ToEntity();  
       return Json(new { strMessage = strMessage });  


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